driving licence sindh image

How to Check Driving License Sindh Through DLS Sindh

The Driving License Sindh is an inaugural part of the digitization of government services, which enhances the quality of the delivery of public service. Using  mobile applications is an opportunity for citizens to apply, renew and verify their driving licenses. The application is very user-friendly, free of any cost on both Android and iOS platforms,…

MTMIS Balochistan online vehicle verification

MTMIS Balochistan Online Vehicle Verification

MTMIS Balochistan a system that allows all vehicles, including automobiles, trucks, vans, scooters, tractors, buses, and cranes, to be checked and registered online has been implemented by Balochistan. The online platform for verifying and examining vehicle registration information is called the Motor Transport Management Information System. MTMIS Balochistan Online Vehicle Verification Do you want to…

MTMIS Sindh online vehicle registration banner

MTMIS Sindh Online Vehicle Verification

Motor Transport Management Information System Sindh (MTMIS Sindh) as developed by the Excise and Taxation department Sindh is used for the registration and verification of vehicles. The process of registration is different for every province of pakistan. In this article, I will give you the details of mtmis car registration check Sindh. If you want…